Persuasive Speech 3 - Homosexual Marriage Should be Opposed

Good morning to Miss Sophia and all my respected audience. My topic today is homosexual marriage should be opposed. The reasons that I will like to touch on are homosexual marriage cannot be considered as marriage, it unable to provide a complete family to the young, it validates and promotes the homosexual lifestyle and legalizing homosexual marriage will imposes its acceptance on all society and lastly homosexual marriage offends God.

Ladies and gentlemen,

For your information, the word homo comes from a Greek word that means the same while homosexual is a person that is attracted to those of the same sex. The term homosexual has largely been called by a less formal term which is gay or lesbian. The issue has gained the public’s concern in these few decades as the homosexual were recently rising up wish to fight for their right included the homosexual marriage. However, the homosexual marriage is not recognized by most of the people while a small portion of people thinks that homosexual should be legalize . In my opinion, homosexual marriage should be opposed as it causes a lot of harm.

Firstly, homosexual marriage cannot be considered as marriage because the real purpose of marriage is the perpetuation of the human race. Homosexual marriage is the union of people with same gender and thus they are sterile and not able to give birth. It completely denies the aim of marriage as the natural tendency of such a union is not to create families. Besides, it violates the natural law which stated that a man and a woman should union and produce new generation. The union between same sexes is considered wrong as it denies the norm of morality.

It is an undeniable fact that many homosexual couples nowadays think that they can build up their family by adopting a child but it is a wrong mind set becase a child should be risen up in a complete and normal family with a mother and a father. Raising a child in an abnormal environment will causes long-life effect on the child. In short, same-sex marriage ignores a child’s best interests and the child will suffer because of the selfish decision made by the “parents”.

My dear audience,

           Allow me to move on to my next point which is the homosexual marriage should not be legalizing as it validates and promotes the homosexual lifestyle. Laws are mean to structure the human’s lifestyle and if the laws recognize and admit the homosexual marriage, it will profoundly modify everyone’s perception and evaluation towards the issue. The person’s thought and behaviour will be greatly influenced and it leads to many harmful effects to the society.

By legalizing homosexual marriage, it imposes its acceptance on all society, the school will have to make the homosexual marriage in their syllabus and the children will expose more than ever to it. As a result, the new generation will thought that this type of marriage is normal and more and more teenagers may go into homosexual relationship as it is no longer prohibited by the society.

Last but not least, homosexual marriage offends God. Marriage between a man and a woman is a natural moral order established by God. It is clearly stated in the bible verse“God created man in His image; in the Divine image he created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them, saying: ‘Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it.”. As a result, practicing homosexual marriage will be a sin as it oppose to the order of God.

In conclusion, homosexual marriage should be opposed as it brings a lot of harms and disadvantages to the society and legalizing the homosexual marriage will leave a long-life effect to the next generation. My dear audience, please be aware of the harmfulness of legalizing homosexual marriage and now, it is the time to say no to homosexual marriage.

Thank you.

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