Did you guys ever hear the terms “Alien” or
“UFO”, namely Unidentified Flying Object? The most important is, do you believe
they really exist? I can definitely tell you that, I myself really believe in
their existence.
let’s talk about the probability of aliens. For your information, an estimated
50 billion galaxies are visible with modern telescope and the total number in
the universe must surely exceed it! Can you imagine that there are billions and
trillions planets in the universe capable of producing life! The fact of the
matter is, these numbers are terribly in favour of the existence of aliens. Isn’t
it too arrogant for us to say that God created this universe just merely for
human beings? If it is so, then we are truly a miracle!
let’s talk about pyramids. We claim to be the most advanced beings this world
has ever seen, yet we can’t replicate the pyramids in Egypt. There are two
possibilities right here. It is either we were super advanced thousand years
ago which evolution doesn't agree with or that something besides Earthly humans
made them. I can’t think of any other explanations for this, can you?
what is this? Obviously, it’s a wow. In 1997, The Big Ear radio telescope has
picked up such unusual signal. An astronomer studied the data and was shocked
that the signal came from an empty spot in space. An empty spot in space! Do you
know what is that mean? According to the fact, the nearest star in that
specific direction is 220 million light years away. It is surely impossible for
any visible planets including stars to occupy the space. So? What does it mean?
Did the signal come from other dimension? Now you should believe that
extra-terrestrials life do exist in this world and yet to be discovered.
will like to share with u a little bit about Bermuda Triangle. Did u ever hear
that? The Bermuda Triangle, also known as Devil’s Triangle or Devil’s Sea. It
is an area noted for a high incidence of unexplained losses of ships, small
boats and aircraft. Anything caught in this yet unexplained phenomenon,
vanishes forever. Where do they go? There is none of a definite answer when this
black-hole-alike phenomenon can’t be detected by sophisticated science and
technologies. For me, I will again blame aliens in their flying saucers.
Although their motives are unclear, it has been suggested that aliens have
chosen the Bermuda Triangle as a point to capture and abduct human for unknown
confused? Curious? Amazed? Don’t worry, with today’s advanced technology, just
go to Google Search, Wikipedia, Encyclopedia, or YouTube, you will get what you want. Caution for you. The next time you are
driving along and see something that’s not quite a plane, and not quite a star,
take a second look; it might be an alien’s plane. They will soon get into you.
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