My Life as a Vampire

Vampire is an imaginary creature that creates by the imagination of humans. Some of the humans believe that vampires only exist in vampire epics, but some of the humans believe these creatures exist.  Vampires exist, and I am one of them. Now I will share my life as a vampire.

I was born in Romania, the hometown of vampire. I was born with beautiful facial features, a fair skin, a pair of golden eyes, a curl blonde hair and a sexy lip. I am from Nosferatu family, the powerful vampire family.  Our family ruled the kingdom for 500 years, almost half of the decade. Humans could not find us easily because we hide at a secrete place.  Time flies, but our facial features still remain at the young stage. Now I am 190 years old, still at the teenager stage of a vampire.
When I was a vampire child, I fed on human energy essence. We sucked the essence of their energy from their body and they fall asleep. Don’t worry they were still alive and they would get up after they slept for 2 hours.  Now, human energy essence does not enough for me, I must feed on human blood. Human blood is juicy and tasty; it just likes a drug, very attractive. I would sneak inside their room at night and enjoyed my food after they had fall asleep. I have a special ability to erase their memories and their wounds, so they do not remember anything happened and the pain they suffered.

But sometimes some special cases occurred. Some of the human remembered “the blood feeding” incident. They wanted to get rid of us because they thought we will attack them again, that was why the vampire hunters have existed. Some of my races have hunted. The hunters found out our heart are our weakness, so they invented some tools that could hunt us. Nowadays the number of hunters decreases, so I can relax and play in the human world.

Actually, I love to stay in the human world, mix around with them.  My parents have gave a permission that I can hang up with humans on Halloween Day, so that I will not reveal my true identity and still can play with humans. After I enjoyed my outing, I would erase their memories.

So, this is my life as a vampire, never ends and always the same.


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