A Nightmare

One evening, Darren, who was a village boy, got the green light from her mum to cycle to the town which was just a stone’s throw away from his home to watch a movie. The horror flick was entitled “A Strange Encounter at Midnight”. The film was quite terrifying but Darren was unfazed because he knew that it was all make-believe.

When the movie finally ended, it was almost midnight. Darren hopped onto his bicycle and began his long journey home. It was a lovely moonlit night and Darren cycled leisurely along the roadside. While enjoying the moment, he felt like a dog with two tails.

Out of sudden, Darren caught a glimpse of a lone girl standing on the pavement. His heart skipped a beat because the girl was ethereally beautiful. Without any hesitation, Darren stopped his bicycle in front of the girl. The lass smiled demurely and told Darren that she had missed the last bus. The gallant Darren volunteered to give her a lift home. He cycled merrily along with the damsel in distress riding pillion.

Out of the blue, Darren heard a strange laugh. He glanced behind and nearly died of fright because the gorgeous maiden had turned into a grotesque monster with a wormy skull. The creature grinned menacingly at him. Poor Darren started shrieking and pedalling furiously. Unfortunately, he lost his balance and promptly landed in a monsoon drain.

When Darren woke up, he found himself lying on the floor of his bedroom. It turned out that he just had had a nightmare. He heaved a sigh of relief and thanked his lucky star that it was not a real life experience.

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