First of all, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to Ms Sophia for giving me a chance to improve my skills in speaking.

Finally, the forum has ended successfully. Every group has put in all their hearts in the preparation for the forum. Despite the competition, I am glad because this is where we can learn from each other and to improve on our weak points too. I enjoyed the whole process of the preparation for this forum, starting from our selection of the topic for the forum till our actual assessment day of the forum. I have gained precious knowledge and irreplaceable experiences through this forum.

We started our preparation with deciding the topic of our forum. We first researched online to decide on the topic that we would like to talk about. After the research, the topic of plastic surgery and cloning were shortlisted as the two most appealing topics for us. We then voted for the final topic that we would like to have a deeper understanding of. We finally selected the topic of genetic cloning for it is more controversial. The public reaction toward the idea of cloning is polarised into two extreme, where it can be clearly seen through the quotes by two professionals, first by Kass (1997), which expresses his disagreement towards cloning where he says that, “A society that allows cloning has, whether it knows it or not, tacitly said yes to converting procreation into manufacture and to treating our children as pure projects of our will." While on the opposing side, Coupland (1991), remains optimistic towards the idea of cloning, “Cloning is great. If God made the original, then making copies should be fine.”

I love this topic very much for it is very current despite being slightly unrelated to the context of Malaysia. Being a child I have always enjoyed watching informative channels such as Discovery Channel or Animal Planets, where I was being exposed to many of the topics related to Science. I remembered I was deeply intrigued by the idea of cloning when they documented on this topic. This is because they have compared human cloning to twins saying that human cloning is creating two identical person and they claimed twins as natural cloning (Discovery News). I, being a twin myself, was attracted to this theory. What is human cloning actually? I asked myself. However, this question mark that popped in my head was never answered as I soon forgot about it. Many years later, in this teaching course, I realised the need for this question to be answered. However, sadly, due to the complicity of the human cloning, we have decided not to zoom into that topic.

We later outlined the things we wanted to discuss during our forum because this topic is very wide and it can be discussed from different perspectives. We finally agreed to zoom into the section of food cloning because it is closer to our daily lives and we can relate to it for America and some of the European country has already legalised the production of cloned meat. Subsequently, we divided ourselves into different roles according to our interest in different fields related to the topic. I picked up the role as a nutritionist who has studied the pros and cons of the cloned meat.

After deciding everyone’s role, we worked by ourselves to find information suitable for each of our roles. Our first draft was soon completed and the next thing we did is to edit our script. Ting Ngiik Ying, being elected as our chairperson, was the one who has responsibility to create the flow of our forum and to add dynamics into it. Our script has gone through several times of editing before coming into a final piece. At last, we have sat down to discuss on our turn to present our ideas and argument so that our forum flows nicely.

A few days before the forum, we have allocated some time to make sure our forum a success. We rehearsed on our forum and corrected our own pronunciation for certain words. Besides, we have also spent some time to also discuss about a nice outfit for each of our roles and in the end we have achieved a satisfying result. I believed that all of us have dressed appropriately according to our roles.

Through this forum, I have learnt that one must sow to reap the harvest of success. Every group has worked hard, but apparently there are always some groups who have appeared to achieve a higher standard at the end. I believed that we have given our best. However, some must have worked harder than anyone else could and that is why they can excel in their forum. I admired their passion and persistency, and looked up to them as my role model and also an alarm to remind myself to work harder in the future. I would like to share a quote from the Bible, in 2 Corinthians 9:6, saying that, “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” This has warned humans to be persistent in doing their work, and to give their fullest to everything that happens in their life.

             After the forum, our course lecturer, which is Ms Sophia, gave a brief session with each of the group to tell us the strength and weaknesses in our group. Right after the forum, I have looked through our video for the forum as I received critiques and comments from my friends that our voice projection is very weak throughout the forum. Besides, I was also worried that I might not have good sitting or speaking posture. After watching through the video, I have found out that indeed my voice modulation is poor. However, I think that my posture has improved compared to last semester. After receiving the comments from Ms Sophia, I agreed with what she had said, and I will try to improve on it in the future.

Despite the moderate marks we get for our forum, I was very happy for my group member Sze Miin for she has improved compared to last semester. She has tried her best this time, I believed. Not only that, we are also very proud of ourselves for we have actually presented a topic with such high difficulties which required us to think critically in order to understand it fully. We have gone through gruelling hours during the preparation for our script and understanding the concept of cloning and the information we have gained is truly beneficial to us. I wish to thank my group members for their encouragement and I felt that our relationship has improved since our first collaboration.

In conclusion, this coursework has not only encouraged me to become a more humble learner, it has also brought our group members together. Together we have learnt and shared the joy and grief in completing a great task. We have learnt from each other’s strength and also corrected on each other’s weaknesses. Lastly, I would like to share a quote from Henry Ford, symbolising the ending of our assignment and also beginning of our better future assignments, “Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” It is my pleasure to have this chance for improvement towards a better me.

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