My Most Embarrassing Moment


I have had many embarrassing moments. The one happened two years ago was most embarrassing, yet amusing.

The incident took place on my way to school in a humid day. I waited impatiently for the public bus to come. It was hot and unruly as the crowd thicken. Finally, the long-awaited bus roared into the station. We fought our way into the bus. 

The moment I stepped into it, the stifling heat made me felt the need of fresh air immediately. Wasting no time, I pushed the window hard to no avail. There must be something stuck in between this particular window. 

I was engrossed in getting this stubborn window open that I lost my rationale. I just want to break open it. Despite my unsteady balance, I give the window one last push with all might. To my horror, it came off and dropped out! My heart skipped a beat.

I was dumbfounded! The window broke into thousand pieces on road. The bus conductor must have heard that as he screamed the bus stopped. The bus made an emergency brake. Tyres blazed the asphalt road, creating sickening screech. 

Shards of shattering glass glinted under the sunlight. The bus conductor got down to check things out. He brought back the steel frame of the window with his jaws dropped a centimetre in amazement for every step he took. 

All eyes were on me. My cheeks burned, turning red like beetroot out of humiliation. Waiting anxiously for the cold lecture, I was scared out of my wits. Will the fierce-looking bus conductor create a nasty scene? 

Silence overshadowed the bus. Next moment, the bus roared with laughter. Instinctively, I laughed sheepishly. What the conductor said rings fresh in my mind. “Wow, for such a petite girl, you have incredible strength! Now, have all the air you wanted! ”

I thanked my lucky stars. No one was hurt. I was not asked to pay for the damage. Neither was I given a lecture. That was my most embarrassing moment in life.

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